Nitrofurantoin: Is a Rare Cause of Autoimmune Hepatitis

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Auto-immune hepatitis is of unknown origin. The detection of non organ and liver-related autoantibodies in the absence of viral, toxic, metabolic and genetic causes constitutes the hallmark for the diagnosis. Drug-induced immune-mediated liver injury is an adverse immune response against proteins within the liver that can lead to a syndrome of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH).

Auto-immune hepatitis
Auto-immune hepatitis

Reactive metabolites created through hepatic metabolism of some drugs have been shown to bind to cellular proteins such as cytochrome P450. These can then be recognized by the immune system as neoantigens. Many drugs were described to induce AIH but only 2 were well documented. Nitrofurantoin has been available for the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) since 1953. Read more>>>>>

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